various pohms update

Spring Showers

   If I am a mountain,
You are the soft,       pattering rain;
   Surrounding me, glistening;
giving the gift of life to all that may sprout from mine soil.
    And when the clouds do grow tired, retiring their dreary puffs,
You will remain as a warm and gleeful sea of tears,
Suspended wildly along my slopes athirst.
    And if the winds or sun should pose threat to you,
          Know always
That I will protect and shelter you from them all
With leaves that would tumble for you in fall,
 Reflect you in each aging plane of their dancing petioles.
          I’ll know always
May I not feel your gentle showers,
    tepid or frigid as they were
               for quite some time,
That your eyes shine atop the trees I’ve sown
   The shade is yours once they have grown.


I lay me down,
And my bed creaks like the
Groan of an arthritis drone.
Spine searing like a Wednesday morning
 Trudging forward, I wait so ill-prepared.
  When the sun comes up I'll be alive in
Stumbling through the hours in arsenic
To dwell: being gone before life's void is
Trust respect.


from distorted pitches of my childhood
twisted poetry of the present.
Mind mind, aforementioned.

assorted haikus

my face, it is a
battlefield, and to save it
i must hide indoors.

my knees hurt because
I have lived and I will die
and I won't die young.

my scars burn because
They bloom like roses, bloody
inside a trashbin.

my jaw aches because
Dark rooms induce laziness
and boys will be boys.


i turned against the
Wind to light my cigarette;
it blew right through me.

it burned my finger,
the wind does not believe in
Ghosts. now I am charred.

the whole room is pulsating
with lurid life, swaying
much like a druid entranced
and within the backlit pale white and
I am the pupil
trapped inside a socket
I am the pupil
I'm darker than you.

I dance in a forest of lead
Death smiles knowingly in shadows cast
by industrial trees and heavy clouds
that swim inside my head.
I've left something behind
with the lifeless metal clanging scene
Echoing in a city
of lifeless streets still untrodden
belonging to me, I put my
friends inside. They belong to me and,
the noise will wear them down;
We're all gears of a shared destiny.

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